Phones away please

I found this on the ‘ole Facebook. Brilliant idea. At the wedding I attended in Miami in January the bride had to sternly tell her guests to get out of the photographers way. People were all up in each others businesses trying to snap away pictures.

The wedding I attended a few days ago – something similar happened. The bride and groom were cutting the cake and they had a mob of friendly paparazzi surrounding them. I just wonder if the guests who were taking pictures were actually enjoying the moment. I’ve caught myself doing this a lot. I LOVE to take pictures but sometimes I gotta say to myself, “Hey, Lindsey, put your camera away and ENJOY the moment.”

Just remember this at the next wedding you’re at. You’re a guest, enjoy the party!

Picture of the day 34

Come across this table setting for a Brooklyn winery wedding. I love the table setting stamp, so cute! I want to have a fork/knife/spoon/plate (or some type of combination) stamp for my future dinner reception.

Click the first image to be taken to the post on Style Me Pretty for the wedding, the second picture will take you to the image gallery!

Vintage .80 Carat @TiffanyAndCo Diamond Ring

I’ve been having diamond ring fever recently. I keep watching myself scrolling through pictures on different jeweler’s websites, Etsy, Pinterest, Tumblr…It’s bad guys. They are just so sparkly and pretty, it gets hard to look away. Am I right? I’ve fallen in love with a lot of rings lately from Erstwhile Jewelry Co.

Here is a new favorite one that was recently sold. I just hope A CERTAIN SOMEONE I KNOW bought it. Because, dang. Look at it, it’s a beaut!

Circa 1949

A vintage TIFFANY & CO. engagement ring made in PLATINUM and centered with an approximate .80 CARAT EGL certified transitional cut diamond with H-I color and VS1 clarity. Center diamond is accented with single cut diamonds on the shoulder.

Local Groom-to-Be Uses Triple Door Marquee for Proposal on Union St.

This proposal story was sent to me by a friend (thanks Chelsea)! I love proposal stories and seeing how creative and personal the proposal unfolds. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did:


For 28 year-old Cody Sadler, his connections at the Triple Door offered him a unique opportunity to propose to his girlfriend of more than four years, Kendall Longacre. With permission from the Triple Door General Manager Jason Lock and the willingness of several valets, Cody went forward with his crafty plan.
The couple had arranged to attend a Matt Wertz concert that evening at 7pm. Upon their arrival, Cody was able to sneak himself and Kendall in a back way inside the parking garage to avoid the front of the theatre. Moments before the show the couple stood beneath the sign and asked a valet worker, who conveniently was standing outside, to snap a photo.  Jason was nearby filming the entire thing.

It wasn’t until Cody handed the camera to his girlfriend and she looked at the photo that she noticed the words in the marquee above them, reading: Kendall, will you marry me?